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London East Academy

Tahfiz Al Quran

What is Tahfiz Al-Qur'an?

Tahfiz is an Arabic word which means “to memorise” or the process of reading , listening and reciting in order to learn something by heart.

Tahfiz Al-Quran is the process of memorising verses, Surah (chapters) or 30 Ajza (parts) of the Quran.

Any individual who completes this process is known as a Hafidh (the one who memorised) or a Hafidhah (female).

“We send down the Quran as a healing and mercy for the believers, but it only increases the wrongdoers in loss”. (17:82)

Requirements for Tahfiz

  1. Able to read the Quran fluently
  2. Has at least some knowledge of Tajweed and Fiqh
  3. Memorise Juzu’ Amm

Only full-time students can enrol for memorisation of the entire Quran

Grouping in Qur'an classes

Tahfiz groupings are based on the following considerations:

  • Foundation students learning the Qa'ida

Objective: To ensure the student can identify letters, harakah, correct pronunciation, fluency in words, Madd and stopping signs. (Approx. 3 to 6 months)

  • Intermediate students  building fluency in reading Quran

Objective: To make sure the student is able to read Quran correctly and fluently with applied Tajweed. (Approx. 3 to 6 months)

  1. Tahfiz students(memorisation)

Objective: To enable student to commit the entire thirty Juzu’, Surah or parts of the Quran to memory.

The Tahfiz curriculum

 The Tahfiz curriculum is based on the following three aspects of learning:

  • New lesson: Students prepare memorisation of new ayaat (verses) or Surahs at home on a daily basis for the next day.
  • The Previous 7 Lessons (5+ pages) is a revision of the immediately preceding 7 lessons before the New Lesson. The purpose of this lesson is to allow students to retain and transfer the freshly memorized parts from their short-term memory to their long-term memory.

    The Previous 7 Lessons progresses with the progression of the New Lesson, which in effect means that the current New Lesson of the day becomes the final part of the Previous 7 Lessons for the next day.

  • Revision is the daily amount a student revises of his overall memorization. Students prepare quarter of a Juz revision everyday and are assessed by the teacher. The revision will progress quarter by quarter in sequence until a cycle of revision is complete and subsequently, a new cycle of revision will start. Students who have memorized a larger amount will need to prepare more than a quarter of a Juz daily, so that everything they have learnt is being revised and reassessed.

“And We have certainly made the Qur’ān easy for remembrance, so is there any who will remember?” (54:40)

Parent's Role

Parents are advised to facilitate and support their child in Quran homework regularly. A set time should be dedicated for homework which will be observed consistently. Also, parents should listen to their child’s lesson once he has learnt it.

Parents must also check their child’s school planner at the end of the week by signing it and commenting if necessary. Teachers will also be commenting on overall progress throughout the week so it is important that parents read the comments and maintain good communication via the school’s planner.